There are really no special techniques in learning how to ride a bicycle. Simply put, hop on to a bicycle and try to pedal as much over a distance as possible without falling off to either side. If there is any art to learning how to cycle, it is the art of balancing. Surviving a few falls and bumps against trees and barriers are part and parcel of learning how to ride on bicycles. When you are cruising on the bike, your body, buttocks, hands and legs will have to synchronise together to achieve the greatest balance possible to sustain the cycling momentum. Your body and bicycle will progressively share the same centre of gravity, and the centrifugal force that is preventing you from swaying from side to side will also slowly evolve as you pedal more smoothly. Always put your own safety first; though stumbles and falls from the bikes are inevitable, always find a safe spot away from the main roads and pedestrians when learning how to cycle. Find spots where grass turfs are plenty, such as a park, so that even when you fall, you land on the softer grass patches and not on hard and rough surfaces.
Basic Cycling Gear
As a beginner to cycling, you will have to look into some of the cycling gear you will need to make you cycle comfortably and safely, such as cycling helmets, cycling shorts, cycling shoes, cycling jerseys. These are basic essentials to picking up cycling more efficiently. Once you are more practiced and skillful with your comfortable cycling techniques and know-hows, it is then time for you to get professional cycling gear and you may want to even join some leisure or professional cycling tours in Singapore or beyond for some adventurous experience!
Bicycle Components
Depending on individual’s needs, and usually for seasoned cyclists or leisure cyclists, bicycle accessories such as bicycle bags, bicycle baskets, bicycle bell, baby bicycle seats, and other bicycle components, etc will also come in handy.
For the sports cyclists and long distance cyclists, they tend to be keen with bicycle equipment that are more mobile and spare bicycle accessories so that they can always do their favourite cycling sport on the go. Bicycle accessories such as bicycle car racks, bicycle carrier, bicycle chains, bicycle case and even bicycle computers are useful to this group of people.
In this guide, we will show you the functions and features of these cycling needs, and also recommend various bicycle types and models and bicycle-related products that can be a useful guide to not just bicycling beginners, but also to those who cycle as recreational sport or professional cyclists and athletes. Browse our online cycling store for more cycling products and cycling gear now!